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Who doesn’t love a good conversation? Yet what if the topic is the proverbial ‘elephant in the room’ or an unfamiliar one? What if it elicits cognitive dissonance (that tummy ache feeling), a sense of unease, or just seems to go nowhere? What if the conversation is marked by people piping in who have no experience and shouldn’t be volunteering their two cents in the first place? Trust us….we’ve been there, done that….every single scenario!

We promise to deliver a different product! Our conversations will be different….and this is our promise from us to you! We intend to deliver high quality content, to invite voices of professionals in the field, and to carefully plan and map our delivery.

We know how well informed religious women can be….and busy to boot! We don’t plan on wasting your time - in fact we believe you will be returning for more, and more! Our podcast conversations, where we intend to interview the very best women’s health experts in the field, will be just what you need to hear, and will be an important step in creating a loyal online audience. 

No matter the level of difficulty, our conversations on ‘Bodies and Souls’ will be real and authentic…. a place to connect….. soul to soul.


